A church & school
FTS Cultural Church/School envisions a world where people from all backgrounds come together to celebrate our shared humanity and deep connection to the Earth. We embrace the rich diversity of spiritual practices, languages, and traditions across indigenous and contemporary cultures, while fostering mutual understanding, respect, and collaboration.

Our mission is to nurture compassionate, resilient communities rooted in spiritual ecology - recognizing the profound interdependence of all life. Through holistic education, we empower individuals to reconnect with nature, adopt sustainable ways of living, and contribute their unique gifts toward planetary healing and harmony.
We are committed to creating spaces where diverse wisdom traditions, ecological knowledge, cultural heritage, and practical skills can flourish side-by-side. Our aim is to serve as a sanctuary for learning, growth, and regenerative living - where people from all walks of life can come together to share, create, and put into practice visions of a thriving world.
As a force for positive change, we seek to inspire a global shift in consciousness - demonstrating through lived example the transformative power of spiritual connection, cultural exchange, and shared responsibility for our Earth community. We envision a future of unity amidst diversity, where our differences enrich rather than divide us.
Through our programs and outreach, we strive to invigorate the wellbeing of individuals, communities, and ecosystems worldwide. Our ultimate goal is to help birth a new story for humanity - one of belonging, reciprocity, and sacred relationship with all of life.